The Art of Customized Data and “Content Multiplication”

PwC has perfected the art of content manipulation: turning one survey into over 30 reports, videos and data sets, customized for differing audiences.

Reading Time: 1 min 


Companies generate surveys to share results, but much of the time results are presented in a one-size-fits-all format.

What if a survey kicked out over 30 reports, videos and data sets? Customized results could add up to more people really using the materials.

That’s the idea around the innovations of PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), which offers the analytics in its annual Global CEO Survey “in multiple formats, including customized reports by industry and geography, as well as multimedia versions of specific sections,” writes Clare McDermott for the Content Marketing Institute.

“You’ll note that PwC does not assume you will want to read the full 52-page report,” she says. “The download page allows you to choose those sections that you may find interesting — another simple but beautiful idea from the content marketers at PwC (and something I’m not sure I’ve ever seen before. . . why didn’t anyone else think of this?).”

According to the story, “from the survey of 1,198 company leaders and government officials from over 50 countries, PwC managed to publish nearly three-dozen reports/formats,” including a 52-page main report that included charts and analysis; a micro website (left) devoted just to the survey; sub-reports by industry and region; customized reports such as “Government and the Global CEO”; key issue data sets; and video interviews and transcripts with CEOs about the report’s findings.

McDermott calls PwC’s survey “a flagship piece of thought leadership” not only for its content but for figuring out how to customize the report for a diverse audience and push out findings in dozens of formats.

Thanks to our friends at The Pohly Company, who mentioned McDermott’s story in their enewletter.


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Comments (2)
We are all suffering from information overload so this is an inovative and sensible way forward. I hope other data providers will be as accommodating.
A real good effort by PwC's survey.